States Networking meeting in Des Moines on Nov. 10-11.

Upcoming events

Dec. 1-3, 2023: SD Fire Chiefs Annual Conference, Deadwood, SD. 

 Dec. 2-3, 2023: Fire School, Russell County, KS.

Dec. 7, 2023: Give Where You Live Fundraiser, Nebraska Firefighters Museum, 10 a.m-5 p.m., fun education of fire safety and the fire service. Free admission.

Jan. 10, 2024: Washington Fire Department’s Pancake Day, lunch 11 a.m.-1 p.m., supper 5-7 p.m.

Jan. 16, 2024: Legislative Breakfast, Lincoln, NE.

Jan. 20, 2024: Annual Kansas Firefighter Relief Association Conference.

   Jan. 27, 2024: 48th Annual Coralville Winter Water Fights, S.T. Morrison Park (behind City Hall and Fire Station 1), registration begins at 7:30 a.m., women’s fights start at 11 a.m. with men to follow. For info contact Aidan O’Sullivan, 1501 5th St., Coralville, IA 52241.

   Jan. 27-28, 2024: 2024 Annual State Fire School, Prairie Meadows, Altoona.

   Feb 2-4, 2024: Les Lukert Conference, Kearney.

   Mar. 15-16, 2024: IHCC Fire School at Ottumwa Airport Campus, Ottumwa. To schedule a class contact Lori Reeves at 800-726-2585 ext. 5337 or 641-683-5337 or email lori.reeves@indian .

   Mar. 16, 2024: Nebraska Fire Chiefs 8th Annual Fire Chief Retention, Recruitment and Leadership Symposium, Norfolk.

   Apr. 4-6, 2024: Mid-Year Meeting, Hilton Garden Inn, 7213 Nordic Drive, Cedar Falls.

Apr. 5, 6 & 7, 2024: Kansas Annual Conference, Salina, KS.

   May 17-19, 2024: Nebraska State Fire School, Grand Island.   June 8, 2023: Annual Iowa Firefighters Memorial Candlelight Service, Coralville.

   June 8-9, 2024: 29th Annual Iowa Firefighters Memorial Service, Coralville.

   June 13-15, 2024: South Dakota State Fire School, Watertown, SD.

   Aug. 16, 2024: Beresford Fire Department 125 Years Old

   Sept. 4-7, 2024: Iowa Firefighters Convention, Iowa Falls.

Sept. 20-21, 2024: 147th Annual MSFDA Conference, Mankato.

   Sept. 27-29, 2024: Fall Fire Conference, Fort Pierre AmericInn Conference Center, Fort Pierre.

Oct. 17-19, 2024: NSVFA Annual Convention, Gering, NE.

Blaze Publications, Inc.

Jeff Gargano - Editor
P.O. Box 122
Humboldt, IA 50548

News and Advertising: News and advertising deadlines are the 15th of each month for the next month's issue.


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