Museum director

   My name is Jennifer Slater. If we have not had the opportunity to meet yet, I wanted to take this time to reintroduce myself to you. I am the Director of the Nebraska Firefighters Museum and Education Center in Kearney, NE.  As a lifetime resident of Kearney, I am deeply honored to serve our community and our state Firefighters and EMS personnel at this impressive facility. 

   I began in August of 2021 and have spent the last two years learning and growing with the help of the Museum Board of Directors and the many individuals in the fire service and fire departments that I have had the opportunity to meet throughout this state so far. These past couple years, I have enjoyed going to Fire School and the NSVFA conferences and seeing the passion of what drives firefighters to do something that so few people are willing to do.  Your courage and sacrifice are truly inspiring to me for I cannot do what you do. 

   I am very honored and proud to be a part of this Firefighting Family, being the Director of the Firefighters Museum. If there is one thing, I have learned from all of you, is that everyone is family to you. That you are willing to give your life for them! That is truly something that I can be proud to support, and I will strive every day to uphold the museum’s mission because of the respect I have for all of you and what you do!!!

   I would love to hear your ideas on how the Nebraska Firefighters Museum and Education Center can further support your fire departments. I will be going out and visiting many of the Nebraska fire departments as well, so I look forward to meeting a lot more of you and seeing your fire departments! If you would like to invite me to speak at one of your department’s monthly meetings, or at any of the mutual aid meetings, please let me know. I would be glad to come and share the new membership opportunities that I have been working on that offer more benefits to all of you and your departments!  

   Remember, the Nebraska Firefighters Museum and Education Center would not be here if it wasn’t for all of YOU- the EMS and Firefighters of Nebraska! 

   Don’t forget to mark your calendars for Sunday, Sept. 17th at 2 p.m. to join us at the Nebraska Firefighters Museum for the 2023 NSVFA Fallen Firefighters Memorial Service! 

   I sincerely look forward to meeting and hearing from you! 

Jennifer Slater, 

Director of the Nebraska Firefighters Museum and Education Center

2834 E. 1st Street, 

Kearney, NE 68847




Blaze Publications, Inc.

Jeff Gargano - Editor
P.O. Box 122
Humboldt, IA 50548

News and Advertising: News and advertising deadlines are the 15th of each month for the next month's issue.


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