It's convention time!
Hello firefighters! I hope you are all doing well. My president year is winding down as we are rolling into convention time. As I reflect on my year, I would like to thank everyone that worked alongside me this past year from my fellow board members, past presidents, members, and all the other fire service leaders from throughout the state. Together we were able to accomplish a few things and together we stood up for what we thought was right.
I once again give my condolences to all the families that lost their loved ones as we lost brothers and colleagues in the fire service.
I’m proud of where the IFA is today considering what we and the world have been through the past few years. I know the priority of the board is and will continue to be retaining and recruiting new members and improving membership benefits.
I’d like to thank Rusty and Ashley, and everyone that volunteered to operate the Hall of Flame at the Iowa State Fair this year. Ashley said that there were a good number of departments that signed up to make her job a little easier. I also can’t say enough for the crew of volunteers that helped set it up and take it back apart. Every year we have many of the same people help and there are always a few new ones along with the FFA ushers. These kids come in ready to help anywhere they can, and we appreciate that. Thank You!
I’m looking forward to seeing you all in Iowa Falls at the 145th IFA convention. Until next month serve with pride.
Chuck Raska,
IFA President